
This partnership will promote people’s right to access services they need to re-engage in training, thus preventing social exclusion. Education, training and lifelong learning offering a way to engage and motivate adults learners to increase their basic and transversal skills in order to enable them to participate fully in society and manage successfully transitions in the labour market.
In offers to migrants, refugees and asylum seekers a more efficient way to increase and develop a cocktail of skills (language, digital, employability) and fostering their ability to complete on the labour market of their host community, using a non-formal learning methods and a strong mentoring support.
Language teachers and social workers will increase competences and ability to deal with the project’s products. The project will help them to know how to coach them in getting results, and measure their performance.
Migrants, refugees and asylum seekers will get a better language, employability and ICT skills, to develop social skills and academic subject, to absorb communication skills and technical terms for their specific jobs.
Skills angels will learn how to mentor the target group and making sure they are processing toward their learning goals.
Camara Municipal de Lisboa – Portugal
Center For Social Innovation (CSI) LTD – Cyprus –
Faal Denergy – Turkey –
KulturLife gGmbH – Germany –
Mine Vaganti NGO – Italy –
Coordinator Integration För Alla (IFALL) – Sweden –
Upcoming Meeting/Activities; There will be 4 more Transnational Meetings and Multiplier event. Final
Report due in November 2021.
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