Youth Can Lead Youth / SWEDEN


During 9th-19th August a youth exchange called Youth Can Lead Youth took place. It involved participants from 4 different countries Spain, Turkey, Italy and Sweden. It included participants from the organisation Gantalcalá, FAAL, In Progress Calabria and IFALL and was sponsored by Erasmus+.


The project focussed on the issue of youth who are inside disadvantage groups. They therefore find it difficult to have different social context where their perspective can be wider. It is same problem in Europe as well as Sweden. Youth have difficulties to meet others from other countries/ ethnicities. In order to address these problems Youth Can Lead Youth set out to create meeting places for youth so their capacities can be increased.


The exchange took place in Örkelljunga Sweden, with visits to surrounding cities such as Malmo and Helsinborg, where they were able to participate in activities with local youth centers and organizations from around the region. Furthermore, they attended inspiring lectures and workshops. Non formal education methods such as Creative Drama, filmmaking, Games, Workshops were the main way to reach the project’s objectives. IFALL and partners hope to continue to mentor and guide the youth with the funding for projects, support and help in developing ideas for social change in their communities even though the project has ended.


9-19 Agustos tarihleri arasinda Youth Can Lead Youth adli bir gençlik degisimi gerceklestirildi. Degisim isvec, ispanya, Italya ve Turkiye olmak uzere 4 farkli ulkeden Erasmus+ sponsorlugunda FAAL, IFALL, Gantalcalá ve In Progress Calabria Dernekleri ile yapildi.


Projenin odak konusu dezavantajli gruplar icinde yer alan gencliktir. Bu nedenle onlarin bakis acilarini arttirmak amaclanmistir. Isvecin yanisira Avrupa da ayni problemlere sahiptir. Genclik diger ulkelerden/etnikiyetlerden farkli insanlarla karsilasmakta zorlanmaktadir. Bu problemleri ele alabilmek icin Youth Can Lead Youth bulusma yerleri duzenlendi genclerin kapasitelerinin arttirilmasi icin.


Degisim Örkelljunga Isvecte gerceklestirildi, Malmo ve Helsinborg gibi cevre sehirlere ziyaretler duzenlendi, aktiviteler bolgenin dört bir yanindan gelen yerel genclik merkezleri ve kuruluslari ile gerceklestirildi. Ayrica onlar ilham verici derslere ve workshoplara katildilar. Projenin hedeflerine ulasmasinda Ana yol olarak yaratici drama, film yapimi, oyunlar, workshoplar gibi yaygin egitim metotlari kullanildi. IFALL ve ortaklari olarak proje sona ermis olsa bile onlara mentorluk yapmaya devam etmeye ve projelerinde rehberlik yapmaya, gencleri yonlendirmek, desteklemek ve kendi toplumlarinda toplumsal degisim icin fikirler gelistirme konusunda yardimci olmaya devam etmek istiyoruz.


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