Leave No One Behind (LENO) Erasmus+ Capacity Building Project

We were in the UK in the first week of December 2018 for our LENO Erasmus+ Capacity Building Project’s first international meeting. 

The LENO project embraces social inclusion as a crucial concept for all and can be easily realised when we appreciate every young person has unique talents and intelligences that can be achieved through non-formal methods. Once we experience this exchange of non-formal methods over a two-year period it will enable the capacity of each organisation involved to expand their own toolkit of non-formal methods which they can sustainably continue to work with after the project has ended.
LENO proposes to combine a range of non-formal methods to expertly offer young people and professionals with a unique opportunity to expand their individual capacity and to furthermore create;

▪ An international cooperation through an interdisciplinary partnership that increases organisations capacity.

▪ Driven youth work practitioner with new found skills and non-formal methods.

▪ A positive socially inclusive impact on non-formal resources available within the local community.

▪ Long term volunteering opportunities for young people in non-formal education settings where an exchange of knowledge, skills and awareness can take place.

▪ Create a local network for the partners where they are located.

We intend to involve all young people; regardless of their success or failure in formal education and include young people who wouldn’t normally be chosen for such experiences. Regardless of past experiences we hope to involve all young people to socially include everyone and truly “Leave No One Behind”. Through the youth exchanges, young people’s will engage in circus, drama, games, film-making, arts, ESports. As a result, young people’s individual gifts will be recognised and youth workers can have the opportunity to implement non-formal education in international settings.
Tangible and specific activities will then be established in the partner organisation as a result of the job shadowing and the young people’s exchanges.

For more details you can visit the website of the project;

#Leavenoonebehind #LeedsBeckettUniversity #IFALL #EpicArts #WestcideCircus #FAAL #BetterWorld #AmyFoundation

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