CarpeDiem Story from Yusuf Tekbaş

Hi everyone, I am Yusuf. I am studying business administration. First of all, I want to thank Faal Association for this opportunity they offered. I will a little mention my project experience. We went to one of the city Croatia for the RevoulutionREE project. It was a small city. The main aim of the project was to decrease youth unemployment over the world by using different methods. We have obtained very valuable information from the training. We got a unique friendship also.
In Turkey’s case, there are active and passive policies aimed at increasing the employment of young people. Among the active employment policies; there are training programs, employment incentives, employment support, direct job creation, and employment assistance. Passive employment policies are; unemployment insurance, unemployment benefit, severance pay, early retirement and notice pay. In addition to these, many projects and programs for young people are carried out by universities, T.C. Presidency projects, Tübitak and Kosgeb in our country. To elaborate on these, many universities in our country offer the support of commercial, academic mentors and business plan mentors who are experts in their fields, suitable for their free business ideas for young people with innovative business ideas. And successful entrepreneurs are entitled to grant support up to 200,000 TL. Secondly, the Presidency provides free online education programs for young people. University students are provided with short and long-term internship opportunities in many private and public institutions and companies. Another important support is provided by Kosgeb. Online entrepreneurship training, rapid support programs for micro and small businesses, and grant support, just like in universities, are provided.
These and similar supports and training should primarily be disseminated and the awareness of these programs and projects should be increased. These programs and projects can also be applied to youth work. Informing about the supports mentioned in youth work and mentoring can be provided about the application processes. In addition, young people can be supported in terms of participation conditions. Finally, awareness can be raised to disseminate projects for people who try to participate in employment but face discrimination.

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