LENO Cambodia Youth Exchange Experiences by Merve TENGİLİMOĞLU


Hello everyone  
I wanted to share my feelings about that precious time I spent with you. This was a first for me and hence I had some concerns before the start of the project. But from the first moment, all my worries ended so i want to thank LENO project and you guys. Because I have made great friends with this project and I had the opportunity to develop both English and Korean (khmer too! ) 😄🙆🏼‍♀️ And we danced too much (😄), we played games together and all of this actually contained deep meanings like when one of us closed our eyes, the other was our direction. So in fact, we learned to be a whole. I've experienced a lot of things. 
I had the idea to be a better person with this project.
I wish we could spend more time with you. I hope we meet again in the future! Thank you for everything 💕

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