Avrupa Gönüllü Hizmeti İsveç

Derneğimizin İsveçli bir ortakla ve Keçiören Belediyesi ile başvurduğu avrupa gönüllü hizmeti kapsamında 2 genç (20 – 25 yaşları arasında) isveçte 10 Aylığına gönülü eğitimde bulunacaktır.

Gönüllülük süresince (1 ekim 2014 – 1 ağustos 2015) yemek, konaklama, ve yol ücreti İsveçli dernek tarafından karşılanacaktır. İlgilenenler, ingilizcesi yeteri derecede olanlar, kendini geliştirmek isteyenler başvurabilirler. Başvuruda CV nizi ve Motivasyon mektubunuzu yollamanız yeterli.

Başvurmadan önce detaylı bilgi edinmek isterseniz aşağıdaki bilgileri okuyunuz.

Son başvuru tarihi 25 Temmuzdur. Başvurular: mobility@integrationforalla.se


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1. Who we are

IFALL is volunteer based organization, which is located in south of Sweden. The main objective of the organization is to promote integration between cultures and counteract violence between cultures in Sweden and in other countries. With culture we mean individuals in society. Even if our main target groups are refugees and immigrants we would like to state that we are not only working with integration of refugees and immigrants but also we are working with integration of cultures in different levels. Here comes one picture from the board of IFALL


The organization will fulfill the main objectives through

• giving help to self-help so that the individual’s understanding of her/his own culture and self-esteem amplifies.

• providing multi-cultural meeting places where the exchange of experiences, values and cultures promote individual’s life quality

• building social network between different cultures

• encouraging the individual to take responsibility in society

• developing and practicing effective and creative approaches/methods for integration, both formal and non-formal.

• spreading information in order to increase awareness of the meaning of culture and different cultures.

As we said we work with integration in different levels.

a) Ground Level; we have several activity groups such as language cafe, homework support, sport days, international evenings. These activities are weekly and monthly organized by our. Target group often is local people, immigrant background people or refugees.

b) Intellectual Level; we are applying for adult education and youth projects in local and international levels. Erasmus + and Nordplus are main funds that we are working with. In this level youth and adults volunteers became more experienced with projects especially about sharing best practices between project partners. This is a kind of platform for our volunteers that they can prepare activities for ground level.

c) Informative Level; we prepare seminars, conferences, panels and handbooks for local people, social workers, teachers, volunteers who can follow updated information about integration and cultures.

As a result we aim to reach a goal that all cultures can live in a society in a peace and better understanding. The way to go this goal is to be active citizen.


2. EVS – European Volunteer Service in Sweden.

IFALL is cooperating with Turkish organizations for international projects. Kecioren Municipality Directorate of Social Affairs and Faal Derneği are main partners in European Volunteer Service for long-term volunteership in Örkelljunga Sweden. Volunteers will have certain roles in the organization.

Typical activities/tasks for the volunteers
– to learn Swedish in education center
– to help other volunteers about activity groups such as language café, homework support, sport.
– to update project website and blog
– to communicate with Swedish and European future volunteers answering questions about how to apply for a project, giving advice how to find a project
– to write articles about what is happening in other projects and taking pictures to be published on IFALL web page
– to help some administrative work such as membership registration.
– to plan and organize international evenings for immigrants and local people.
– to join international project meeting with project coordinators


3. Conditions, Requirements and Application.

2 Turkish volunteers will be in Sweden for 10 months from 1st of October 2014 until 1st of August 2015. Accommodation, food, travel to Sweden and visa will be paid by the project. Volunteer also will get some pocket money monthly.

We are searching

– Young people who are between 20 and 25 years old and speak English. It will be positive to speak other languages like Arabic.

– Young people who are willingly to go another country and stay there for a period of time, and cooperate with another culture.

– Young people who would like to increase self esteem and self development.

– Young people who are motivated to learn new languages, new social skills and competence.

– Young people who will improve specific skills related to youth work, group dynamics, sustainable organizational development and leadership

– Young people who are willingly to work or continue on the same issue with project after return. It will be positive if volunteer lives in Ankara.

Send your CV and Motivation Letter to mobility@integrationforalla.se until 25 of July. After the assessment we will invite those who are eligible for a skype meeting therefore we need to have your skype name on your Motivation letter.


4. Örkelljunga and IFALL

Örkelljunga is small city which has about 9 000 residents. The town is situated at the south Sweden. It is located central for reaching big cities in Sweden like Malmö, Göteborg and in Denmark like Copenhagen, Helsingör. Örkelljunga is surrounded by forest and has many lakes. It is possible to make fishing, canoeing, kayak, camping, hiking, and swimming. In Örkelljunga you can find shops, restaurants, supermarkets, medical care, pharmacy, post offices, indoor swimming pool and gym.

During the winter months, when it is often cold and dark, it can be a bit more challenging for some volunteers, so it is good to be aware that Örkelljunga is not a big city with plenty of evening activities. Some volunteers use the weekends to visit other places near Örkelljunga. It is possible to do winter sport nearby which name is Vallåsen Ski Center.

Even if Örkelljunga is small town people are well educated and can speak several languages. There is no big gap between economical situations of people. Our office is central and it is kind of a meeting place for volunteers and people. Local people have positive image about our organization.


More information: www.integrationforalla.semobility@integrationforalla.se

IFALL wishes you Good Luck.

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